A couple weeks ago, I was visiting the department of Egyptology for a photo session of some of their finds in their collection. I took a couple pictures from different objects and am converting them now step-by-step into 3D models. Today, I can present the first result of that work.
The object is a figurine of a servant from around 1900 BCE in Egypt. The real origin is unknown, probably Assiut or Meir. The figurine is 42,5cm high and made of wood and painted stucco. I added some annotations to the 3D model for some specific informations.
The process of creating this model was to take pictures from it from all sides, in this case 81 in total. After color correcting the photos, I used the software Agisoft Photoscan for reconstruction. It created a model with around 278.000 polygons and a photo-realistic texture.
During the photo session, I processed also four other objects, which will come available over time on our SketchFab account. I am also preparing an article that explains in-depth the process of Structure from Motion, but it is not finished yet.
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