Uncharted and Archaeology: Break in, steal, destroy, repeat!
This article about Uncharted and Archaeology originates from itsmoreofacomment.com. This is an exact copy of that post. Please enjoy. For more…
Archaeogaming is the archaeology of games. Usually it is concerned with videogames, but also analogue games are part of the discussion. Archaeogaming researches the depiction of archaeology within games as well as the use of archaeological methods in games.
This article about Uncharted and Archaeology originates from itsmoreofacomment.com. This is an exact copy of that post. Please enjoy. For more…
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is one of the most successful adventure games of videogame history. LucasArts published the game in 1992…
Have you ever had that feeling when you just stare into space for a minute, because there has always been…
I’ve recently read and reviewed Daniel Giere’s (@34e6ab0133cd4f7) “Computerspiele – Medienbildung – historisches Lernen” (computer games – media education –…
In winter 2018/19 and summer semester 2019 I taught courses on archaeogaming and concepts of the past in computer and…